Our Process at Wooster Corthell

Streamlined. Personalized. Aligned with Your Aspirations.

At Wooster Corthell, we understand that each client’s financial journey is unique. Our process is designed to be adaptive, attentive, and aligned with your individual needs. Whether you're an entrepreneur, executive, or looking to leave a legacy, we’re here to help you navigate your financial path with confidence.


We believe that the cornerstone of a successful financial plan is understanding you – your goals, values, aspirations, and complexities. We kick off our process with a comprehensive discovery session, diving deep into your personal and financial landscape. This session is an opportunity for us to learn about your unique financial needs and for you to learn about how our services can empower you.

Strategy Development

With a detailed understanding of your financial situation and aspirations, we will develop a bespoke strategy. This involves making prudent recommendations around managing cash, exercising stock options, managing deferred compensation, and mitigating concentrated asset risk. We consider your appetite for risk, return expectations, and time horizon to design an investment strategy that truly resonates with you.


Once you're comfortable with the proposed strategy, we'll get to work. This phase includes executing the agreed-upon action items such as initiating Tax-Loss Harvesting, implementing Asset Location strategies, or setting up and managing a retirement plan. You can rest easy knowing that your financial matters are being managed with care and expertise.

Regular Monitoring & Adjustments

Your life and markets evolve, and so should your financial plan. We monitor your plan to ensure it remains aligned with your evolving needs and market dynamics. Regular reviews allow us to make necessary adjustments, keeping you on track towards your goals. This may involve rebalancing your portfolio, reviewing gifting strategies, or updating estate plans.


Clear, consistent communication is at the heart of our process. We are here to answer any questions you may have and to keep you informed about your financial journey. Our team is committed to providing you with transparent, timely, and insightful reporting.

Begin Your Journey with Wooster Corthell

Experience the confidence and peace of mind that comes from a personalized, comprehensive financial plan. Reach out to us and start your journey towards financial empowerment.

Contact Us to Begin Your Journey