Diversifying Your Portfolio to Mitigate Business Concentration Risk

Wooster Corthell |

Owning a small business can be both rewarding and risky. A significant part of your wealth may be tied up in your business, creating a concentration risk. This article explores effective strategies for diversifying your investment portfolio to mitigate this risk, focusing on the importance of distributing earnings and building wealth outside of your business.

Understanding Concentration Risk

Concentration risk occurs when a large portion of your wealth is invested in a single asset or a small group of assets, in this case, your business. This can lead to higher volatility and increased risk. Diversifying your investments helps spread risk across different asset classes and industries.

Distributions from Your Business: A Path to Diversification

One of the simplest ways to diversify is through regular distributions from your business. These distributions can be reinvested into various asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or even other businesses. This approach helps in reducing the overall risk exposure to your business's performance.

Strategic Reinvestment of Profits

Reinvesting profits from your business into different asset classes is a smart way to build a diversified portfolio. This not only reduces dependence on your business for future wealth but also exposes you to other growth opportunities.

Salary vs. Profit: A Balanced Approach

Drawing a salary for your personal expenses and reinvesting the profits is a balanced approach to wealth management. This ensures that your living expenses are covered without depleting the business's resources, while excess profits can be used to build a diverse investment portfolio.


Diversifying your investment portfolio is crucial for small business owners to mitigate concentration risk. By strategically reinvesting distributions from your business and balancing salary with profit investment, you can build a robust and diversified portfolio. This approach not only has the potential to secure your financial future but also allows your business to thrive without the added pressure of being your sole income source.

Remember, diversification is a long-term strategy. It requires patience, regular review, and adjustments based on changing economic conditions and personal goals. Consult with a financial advisor to tailor a diversification strategy that aligns with your unique situation.

Interested in learning how reduce concentration in your small business? Reach out for customized advice by scheduling a meeting today. You can also connect with us on LinkedIn to explore more insights.