Countdown to December 31st: Year-End RMD Tips

Wooster Corthell |

The close of the year isn't just a time for reflection and celebration; it’s also a pivotal moment for year-end tax planning, especially when mandatory distributions are in play. Having previously introduced the basics of RMDs, it’s now essential to delve into their tax implications as the year concludes.

Distributions and Their Tax Landscape

Understanding how these distributions can influence your year-end tax situation is important:

  1. Taxable Income Boost: Mandatory distributions are generally considered taxable income. As such, they can potentially push you into a higher tax bracket, impacting your overall tax liability.
  2. Tax Deductions: For those who itemize, these distributions might open up the possibility for certain deductions, such as medical expenses, which require a threshold based on Adjusted Gross Income (AGI).
  3. State Taxes: While we often focus on federal tax implications, it's pivotal to remember that some states might tax your distributions. Being prepared for this can prevent unexpected tax burdens.

Wooster Corthell's Tax Strategies

  1. Strategic Withdrawals with Precision: With an understanding of individual financial landscapes, Wooster Corthell advises on whether to take more than the minimum distribution. Our team analyzes your expected income, helping optimize your tax bracket both presently and in future years.

  2. QCDs for Charitable Giving: As many contemplate year-end philanthropic endeavors, our advisors can help guide clients on how QCDs can both satisfy those distribution requirements and potentially reduce taxable income. This approach is particularly beneficial for those relying on the standard deduction.

  3. Tax Loss Harvesting: Recognizing the nuances of your portfolio, Wooster Corthell assists in identifying potential tax-loss harvesting opportunities. By selling underperforming assets, we help offset added income from required distributions, ensuring a balanced tax outcome.

  4. Roth Conversions with Foresight: A Roth conversion, while impacting your taxable income in the conversion year, holds long-term implications. Our advisors delve into this strategy, weighing immediate tax impacts against future benefits from distributions to tailor the optimal approach.

  5. Crafting a Tax-Efficient Investment Landscape: Reinvesting distributions requires astute fund placement. Our goal is to guide clients when placing tax-inefficient assets where they're shielded, while positioning tax-efficient ones to thrive in taxable accounts.

Perfect Time for a Review

Consider this a golden opportunity to reflect, not just on the months gone by, but on your financial journey ahead. Remember, it's more than adherence to rules; it's about harnessing every opportunity to its fullest. With the right guidance, you can transform requirements into a proactive strategy. Embrace this moment, chart your course, and let every decision be a step towards the future.

Are you prepared to refine your financial strategies as we approach the new year?

Reach out to us. Schedule a deep dive consultation with our advisors. For an ongoing flow of financial insights, we invite you to connect with us on LinkedIn. Together, let's ensure your financial narrative is as prosperous as it is informed.


Tax Planning: Wooster Corthell does not act as an accountant, and this is not to be construed as tax advice. Please consult with your tax preparer to discuss your personal tax situation.