3 Cognitive Biases That Control Your Wallet

Wooster Corthell |

Money isn't just currency; it plays an integral role in our lives, shaping our choices, opportunities, and overall well-being. But have you ever considered the intricate connection between your mind and your finances? Money psychology delves into the emotional and psychological aspects of our financial decisions, uncovering how our beliefs, feelings, and attitudes shape our financial world.

Deep within our brains lie cognitive biases that often lead us astray in financial matters. These biases, such as confirmation bias, overconfidence, and loss aversion, can cloud our judgment and steer us toward irrational financial decisions. We're here to help you recognize and navigate these biases effectively.

Though the most common cognitive bias of them all is:

Confirmation Bias, It's the tendency to seek out information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs.

If you were put in situation where you were considering an investment in a particular stock, and you've done some initial research. If you're prone to confirmation bias, you might selectively focus on information that supports your decision to invest while disregarding potential warning signs or contrary opinions. This bias can lead to impulsive and biased financial choices.

Overconfidence is the tendency to attribute higher probabilities to things than what is rational.

Sporting fans are famous for this. Believing that their team will win the championship each and every year even though there are 30 other teams in the league.

Loss Aversion is our tendency to avoid the pain of taking losses.

Let’s say you make an investment, and it drops. Many of us will not sell it because we don’t want to take the loss. Holding an investment on the basis that one does not want to take a loss is of course not a good reason to hold an investment. It is far better to look at the expectations going forward rather than the loss that occurred in the past.

Your Mind, Your Money, Your Journey

Understanding money psychology is like having a trusted companion on your financial voyage. By recognizing the profound impact of your money mindset, emotions, cognitive biases, and self-worth, you can make conscious and empowering financial choices. Your journey toward a healthier relationship with money is a transformative one, and we're here to walk this path with you.


Ready to explore the depths of your money mindset and take control of your financial future? Schedule a consultation with our experienced financial advisors at Wooster Corthell Wealth Management today. For more insights and updates on financial planning, follow Wooster Corthell on LinkedIn.